Included years | 2012 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | SciELO Books - EDUEPB |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8578791886 8578791371 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788578791889 9788578791377 |
Included years | 2012 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2003 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Utah State University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0874215595 661326704X 1283267047 0874214815 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780874215595 9786613267047 9781283267045 9780874214819 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Punctum Books |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0615822541 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780615822549 |
author | Philippe Sansonetti |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Collège de France |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 2722602725 |
ISBN(printed) | 9782722602724 |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 908964024X 6612453761 1282453769 9048502330 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789089640246 9786612453762 9781282453760 9789048502332 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
author | Bruaene, Anne-Laure van |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | Dutch |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9053565612 6611972498 1281972495 904850127X |
ISBN(printed) | 9789053565612 9786611972493 9781281972491 9789048501274 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Punctum Books |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0615785387 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780615785387 |
author | Tully, James |
Included years | 2014 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Bloomsbury Academic |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1849665168 1336210389 1849664927 147254482X 1849664935 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781849665162 9781336210387 9781849664929 9781472544827 9781849664936 |
author | Marco Maggis |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Ledizioni - LediPublishing |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8895994590 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788895994598 |
author | Matteo Bianchi |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Ledizioni - LediPublishing |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8895994566 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788895994567 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Punctum Books |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0615934021 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780615934020 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1925021335 1925021343 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781925021332 9781925021349 |
Included years | 2004 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Utah State University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0874215870 661328338X 1283283387 0874215102 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780874215878 9786613283382 9781283283380 9780874215106 |
Included years | 2002 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Utah State University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0874214270 0874214289 1283266962 6613266965 0874214726 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780874214277 9780874214284 9781283266963 9786613266965 9780874214727 |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Athabasca University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0888645015 6612819561 1282819569 1897425201 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780888645012 9786612819568 9781282819566 9781897425206 |
author | Caroline Abu-Sada |
Included years | 2007 |
Language | French |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Presses de l’Ifpo |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 2351590635 2821815530 2351592670 |
ISBN(printed) | 9782351590638 9782821815537 9782351592670 |
author | Cortés, Pablo Cort?'s, Pablo |
Included years | 2010 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Routledge |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0415562074 041581328X 1136943498 6612781599 020384775X 1136943501 1282781596 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780415562072 9780415813280 9781136943492 9786612781599 9780203847756 9781136943508 9781282781597 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Athabasca University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1927356628 1306936144 1927356636 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781927356623 9781306936149 9781927356630 |