Included years | 2012 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1921862750 1921862769 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781921862755 9781921862762 |
Included years | 2014 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Cambridge University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1139381628 1316502864 1139990020 1316003884 1316001644 1316010643 1107031346 131600614X 1139985418 1316012883 131600838X |
ISBN(printed) | 9781139381628 9781316502860 9781139990028 9781316003886 9781316001646 9781316010648 9781107031340 9781316006146 9781139985413 9781316012888 9781316008386 |
author | Lonkila, Markku |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Palgrave Macmillan UK |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0230252397 1349322016 0230294936 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780230252394 9781349322015 9780230294936 |
Included years | 2007 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
author | Antonio Giuliano Zippo |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Ledizioni - LediPublishing |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8895994574 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788895994574 |
Included years | 2006 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1921536489 1921536497 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781921536489 9781921536496 |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9053567976 1281284262 6611284265 9048501474 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789053567975 9781281284266 9786611284268 9789048501472 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9089640282 6612129298 1282129295 9048502357 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789089640284 9786612129292 9781282129290 9789048502356 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 192214410X 1922144118 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781922144102 9781922144119 |
author | KRZYSZTOF R. APT Apt, Krzysztof R. Van Rooij, Robert Rooij, Robert van |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9089640576 6612067977 1282067974 9048506425 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789089640574 9786612067976 9781282067974 9789048506422 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | University of Michigan Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0472900366 0472071041 0472051040 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780472900367 9780472071043 9780472051045 |
Included years | 2002 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Utah State University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0874214335 0874214130 0874214661 1282822225 6612822228 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780874214338 9780874214130 9780874214666 9781282822221 9786612822223 |
Included years | 2006 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0731537459 1920942181 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780731537457 9781920942182 |
author | Kilby, Patrick |
Included years | 2010 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Routledge |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0415544300 0415533678 1136907750 6612930209 0203842723 1136907769 1282930206 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780415544306 9780415533676 9781136907753 9786612930201 9780203842720 9781136907760 9781282930209 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Punctum Books |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0615840558 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780615840550 |
author | Stengs, Irene |
Included years | 2012 |
Language | Dutch |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9089644059 9048515815 1283698285 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789089644053 9789048515813 9781283698283 |
Included years | 2010 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Athabasca University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1897425554 6612851961 1897425562 1282851969 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781897425558 9786612851964 9781897425565 9781282851962 |