Included years | 2008 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Athabasca University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1897425023 6612819529 1282819526 1897425155 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781897425022 9786612819520 9781282819528 9781897425152 |
author | Mona Zakaria, Bachchâr Chbarou (dir.) |
Included years | 1985 |
Language | French |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Presses de l’Ifpo |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 290546500X 2821820089 2351594711 |
ISBN(printed) | 9782905465009 9782821820081 9782351594711 |
author | Anderson, Idris Project Muse |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Utah State University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0874217199 0874217180 1457174537 1457174553 0874217202 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780874217193 9780874217186 9781457174537 9781457174551 9780874217209 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | ANU Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1921862149 1921862157 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781921862144 9781921862151 |
author | Dino, Costantini Costantini, Dino |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | Italian |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Firenze University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8884533465 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788884533463 |
Included years | 2006 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9053569294 1281979120 6611979123 9048504473 1429454199 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789053569290 9781281979124 9786611979126 9789048504473 9781429454193 |
author | Alessandro Rossi |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | Italian |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Ledizioni - LediPublishing |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 8867050923 |
ISBN(printed) | 9788867050925 |
Included years | 2012 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Brill |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9067183903 9004253491 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789067183901 9789004253490 |
Included years | 2012 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Böhlau |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | University of Calgary Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 1552387356 |
ISBN(printed) | 9781552387351 |
Included years | 2009 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Amsterdam University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 9053567070 6612401672 128240167X 9048501377 |
ISBN(printed) | 9789053567074 9786612401671 9781282401679 9789048501373 |
Included years | 2013 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Duke University Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0822354683 1306077109 0822378280 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780822354680 9781306077101 9780822378280 |
Included years | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | University of Michigan Press |
Type | 電子書 |
ISBN(printed) | 0472051490 6613159840 1283159848 0472027492 |
ISBN(printed) | 9780472051496 9786613159847 9781283159845 9780472027491 |
Included years | 2008 |
Language | German |
Publisher | DOAB Directory of Open Access Books:Full Text |
epub | Universitätsverlag Göttingen |
Type | 電子書 |